D&C After Miscarriage (Professional and caring)

Dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure is a surgical procedure necessary when complications of pregnancy such as fetal demise, retained products of conception, and genetic abnormalities occur. This allows for controlled management and avoids the possibility of prolonged bleeding, pain and potential infection.

At Bloor West Village Women's Clinic, D&C procedures are performed by specially trained doctors with the assistance of registered nurses selected for their experience, knowledge, and compassion.

A D&C procedure takes between 3 and 5 minutes to complete and is performed under IV sedation and local anesthesia. You will be awake during the procedure but your discomfort will be minimized.

Recovery from a D&C procedure is fast and most patients feel ready to leave in approximately 30-60 minutes.

For Physicians - D&C Form Download

Physicians: please download the attached form to refer your patient. Patients or providers should still contact our office for an appointment before booking.

Miscarriage Management Referral Form